Hand-Woven Textured Stone Small Rug


Each rug is hand-woven on a traditional loom by Portuguese artisans.

These high quality small rugs would work perfectly as a small bedroom rug. They wash beautifully so they would also work well as a bathroom mat.

Made from the discarded offcuts of the garment industry in Portugal, these rugs represent a new way to create sustainable products that not only look good, but do good too.

Small slubs and irregularities add to the handmade beauty of this small rug.

Individually hand-woven on a loom using a traditional Portuguese technique and a smooth, cotton-based yarn. Made from the discarded offcuts of the garment industry in Portugal, these rugs represent a new way to create sustainable products that not only look good, but do good too.

There may be tiny imperfections and variations in colour.

Approximately width 60cm x length 110cm
100% cotton
Care Instructions
Wash at 30 degrees, or cool wash.