Sunday morning is my sacred time, no one to serve, no demands...
The rest of my week is efficiently planned; exercise, work, house, family, life admin… even sleep is carefully planned (I must get enough of it).
Sunday mornings are my guilt-free time to just be. To think about what I need, and focus on replenishing my soul. I ignore my instinct to 'get stuff done,' everything can wait.

I usually creep out of bed, careful not to wake anyone. I crave the solitude of a quiet house. I pad silently around in my slippers. I light candles, filling my space with the aroma of our candle, Chez Moi, and the warm natural scent of beeswax candles. I make tea in my favourite Brickett Davda mug…

And I put on music… My choice is super mellow, Sunday music has a different beat, slower and more laid back. The kind of tunes that make you melt into your sofa and allow time to expand.
Friend and DJ JoJo (@jomurnaghan) has compiled the ultimate playlist to soothe our Sundays… low tempo, smooth, and relaxing.
Enjoy The Small Home curates... Vol #1, wishing you a peaceful and restful Sunday morning.
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